
In Trump Country, Supporters Are Steadfast, but His Personality, Pandemic Wear

October 28, 2020

We return to Virginia’s Buchanan County in 2020 to see whether Trump's support remains as strong as 2016.

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America’s Factory Towns, Once Solidly Blue, Are Now a GOP Haven

July 19, 2018

A generation ago, Democrats represented much of the country’s manufacturing base. Now, it’s in GOP hands, a swing remaking both parties.

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Strange Bedfellows: Democrats and Trump Blow up 20-Year Unity on Free Trade

November 26, 2017

In the fight to overturn Nafta, the White House makes common cause with Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, a longtime free-trade skeptic.

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The Places That Made Donald Trump President

November 16, 2016

A look at some Pennsylvania towns that swung from Obama to Trump.

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How the China Shock, Deep and Swift, Spurred the Rise of Trump

August 11, 2016

The economic impact of China in the Southeast and Midwest helped explain Trump's rise.

View / Downloadhttps://www.wsj.com/articles/how-the-china-shock-deep-and-swift-spurred-the-rise-of-trump-1470929543

Election 2016 Is Propelled by the American Economy’s Failed Promises

July 7, 2016

How economic disappointment helped fuel political populism.

View / Downloadhttps://www.wsj.com/articles/election-2016-is-propelled-by-the-american-economys-failed-promises-1467909580

The Place That Wants Donald Trump Most

April 17, 2016

Buchanan County, Virginia was a Trump stronghold in 2016 and helped explain his appeal.

View / Downloadhttps://www.wsj.com/articles/the-place-that-loves-donald-trump-most-1460917663

South Carolina GOP Voters Feel the Benefits of Free Trade—but Also the Scars

February 17, 2016

South Carolina benefited from global investment but that hasn't translated into political support for trade expansion.

View / Downloadhttps://www.wsj.com/articles/south-carolina-gop-voters-feel-the-benefits-of-free-tradebut-also-the-scars-1455663542

GOP Avoids Abortion for Now, But Science Is Stirring the Debate

August 1, 2000

How the promise of embryonic stem cells to treat disease shook up GOP abortion politics.

View / Downloadhttps://www.wsj.com/articles/SB96507999115094294

Industry Skepticism Clouds Agenda Gore Is Pushing in High-Tech Policy

July 28, 1999

Business was wary of Al Gore despite his deep support for technology industries.

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